OMP Day Camps
OMP is thrilled to launch Day Camps for the 2021 summer. With COVID limitations still present, the health and safety of our campers and staff is paramount. Last summer OMP was restricted to virtual camp but this summer, OMP is excited to take one more step forward and offer an in-person, onsite camping experience while following COVID protocols: OMP Day Camp.
Under the Day Camp model, OMP has decided to only host camps in locations easiest for most campers and our staff. Projects will be within 30 minutes of your local church.
Day Camps will be held in northwest Arkansas, central Arkansas, Hot Springs, and Paragould.
All camps are now blended for middle and high schoolers to attend. Campers must have completed the 6th grade to register. This means youth will be rising 7th graders in summer 2021, so at the time of registration, the youth could be in 6th grade.
If you have already registered for summer 2021 with OMP, you do not need to register again.
Below you will find a tentative daily schedule for OMP Day Camps. To reduce the COVID risk, each church group will be teamed up together all week, masks will be worn, social distancing will be encouraged when possible, tools will be cleaned routinely, and temperature checks will occur each morning. Please note each church group is its own major group, and family groups of 5 campers (4 youth and 1 adult) will be formed within your church group.
Day Camp Itinerary (Subject to Change)
8:30am Arrival at home church
9:00am Leave for jobsite with family group from home church
12pm Lunch break (bring from home)
3:30pm Latest time to depart from jobsite for home church
4:30pm Parent pick up at home church
5pm Showers, dinner, etc. AT OWN HOME
7:30pm Sharing on Zoom by camp
8:00pm Worship pre-recorded (all camps and anyone else who wants to join)
9:00pm Break until morning
OMP strongly advises against home churches having lock-ins or community gatherings.
Camp Dates & Locations
Week 1: June 7-10
Central Arkansas, Northwest Arkansas, Hot Springs
Week 2: June 21-24
Central Arkansas, Northwest Arkansas, Paragould
Week 3: July 12-15
Central Arkansas
Payment Information
A vast majority of the fees OMP charges for camp goes toward materials for projects and salaries for staff. Due to now having a day camp versus an overnight camp, there are certain cost-savings in other areas with this model, so we are reducing the camper fee by $50 per person. If you have already registered for summer 2021 with OMP, you will be mailed your $50 per camper reimbursement.
The camper fee beginning February 1, 2021 is $250 per person, with a $100 deposit per person due at the time of registration. This deposit is non-refundable and non-transferrable.
An invoice regarding payment will be emailed to you 1-2 business days after registering.
If you choose to pay by check, your check needs to be received by our office within 2 weeks of your online registration.
All campers registered after February 15, 2021 are final and full payment will be required.
Final payment is due April 1, 2021.
February 15, 2021: Deadline to drop or add campers from your group number
April 1, 2021: Final payment due
Contact Hanna by email or by phone: 501.291.2661.
Other Important Notes
For every 1-4 youth registered, 1 Adult Camper with a vehicle and tools is required. Adult Campers serve as family group leaders. They will transport 4-5 youth to and from job sites, participate in the projects and in camp activities, and will assist in maintaining the safety and positive atmosphere throughout the week.
Click here for the vehicle tool list. If unable to provide all of these tools, OMP is able to supplement.
Groups should not register more than 25 total campers (youth and adults).
If you are registering an individual please contact Hanna. She can be reached by email or phone: 501.291.2661.
Will there be Leadership Teams and College Staff?
Yes! Leadership teams and College Staff will still be available to distribute tools and provide guidance and help with projects. Leadership teams and College Staff will be assigned family groups to avoid cross-contamination.
Do we need to bring tools?
Yes! Drivers will need to bring a vehicle tool kit and campers will need to bring their tool kit including a hammer, paintbrush and scraper, work gloves, tape measure, and safety glasses.
Will campers wear masks?
Yes! Campers will wear masks in vehicles as they travel and at the job site. Campers can take a break from masks as long as they are more than 6 feet away from others.
Will we get to interact with our neighbors?
Yes! All participants will wear masks and practice social distancing when interacting with their neighbors.
What projects can we do?
We can do all projects done in a typical summer! Some projects might be chosen more carefully to account for time and distance.
What if we need to use the restroom on the job site?
Scheduled restroom breaks at a public facility will be made, but if a camper has an emergency or needs to use the restroom outside of the scheduled break then they can use the neighbor’s facilities (only with their permission), or the family group can make an unscheduled trip. Cleaning wipes and hand sanitizer will always be used before and after restroom use.
Will the camp store be open?
The camp store is always open online.
Will we still get to do Morning Watches and lunchtime devotionals?
Yes! Family groups will do Morning Watch on their way to camp and will still have lunchtime devotionals.
How many workdays are there? Are there Sunday evening activities?
There are four workdays, beginning on Monday and ending on Thursday. There will be no Sunday evening activities.
What’s for lunch?
Bring your own lunch from home! Don’t forget water! Campers will practice social distancing while eating.
How will we worship together and hold share time?
Camps will gather online to hold share time and then will log onto Facebook or YouTube to tune into worship.