Scholarships and Awards
OMP is grateful for the support received through the following established scholarship and award funds. Learn more and see if you qualify by reading below.
Robert Tankersley Scholarships
Robert Tankersley Scholarships are available for both groups and individuals, and are awarded based on financial need and funds available. Applications are due by April 1 of each year.
For group applicants:
The form must be submitted and completed by the youth group or church contact for groups.
Recipient of scholarship agrees to coordinate the submission of individual reflections by all youth who attended OMP about their summer experience to the OMP office by end of the summer.
Allan Bruner “Youth in Mission” Award
The "Youth In Mission" award is given in honor and memory of Allan Bruner. Allan was instrumental in the development of Ozark Mission Project and was, for many years, the backbone of the program. Allan had a passion for serving people in need and encouraging youth and adults to understand how important mission work is as a part of their Christian life and discipleship.
Nominations for 2024 are due by May 1st, 2024.
Adam Whiteman Scholarship
The Adam Whiteman Scholarship is awarded to one individual per year who truly encompasses the spirit of a College Staffer. Adam knew what it took to make a youth’s week at OMP the best week ever. From leading games to leading worship, he related to the youth at their level. He loved to tell jokes and pull pranks, but he also knew when it was time to be serious. He never met an obstacle too big to overcome and would fight for his projects when he knew neighbors were depending on him. Adam truly lived out what it meant to not only be a College Staffer but also what it meant to be a young Christian. He stood up for his beliefs and fought for his neighbors. College Staff is about learning to be a Christian leader while continuing to discover who you are. Adam did that every day in his life.
Qualified applicants will be on the upcoming season’s college staff. Applicants will answer a series of questions reflecting on their experience as a devoted and Christian member of the community.
The late Adam Whiteman, representing OMP.
If awarded this scholarship, the recipient will:
Receive an award at a dinner with the Whiteman family and be added to the Adam Whiteman Award Plaque as the 2024 recipient.
Write and submit a reflection about their summer (due fall following mission season), which will be sent to the Whiteman family
Work the whole summer